Saturday, 19 May 2012

A creative day

For lots of people Saturday is the first day of the weekend and consists of supermarkets, shopping centres, ferrying children around to sport/music/dance etc.. But when you're unemployed, it's not that different from any other day of the week. Yet somehow it feels different. No idea why. Just that habitual imprint of "weekendness" I suppose.

So I've tried to make the most of this Saturday. I got my 'cello out and did some long-overdue practise: something technical, something unfamiliar and something familiar. I think it's a pattern I'll try and stick to. I remember I had a minus1 recording of Brahms' E minor Sonata, well the 1st movement, anyway. So I stuck it on the ipod dock and played my way through it. I'd forgotten how passionate this movement is. How deliberate every single note is. Even with my practise mute on I suspect most of my neighbours were "treated" to an impromptu concert!

Next I got my pencil and paper out again and resumed the Klein Studios drawing classes. I have progressed through lesson 8b now and have a technical still life composition thingy. Apparently I can't draw ovals level, but other than that I'm fairly happy with it for now, although the photograph could be clearer:

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Mary. I could do with getting my violin out again but the A string has snapped. Yet another thing to add to my must get done list.

    Lovely drawing, I certainly couldn't draw it, even with lessons!
