Saturday, 12 May 2012

Well, that was a good idea while it lasted

Today was day 3 of C25K. The sun was shining, the birds were singing (probably ... don't actually remember) and Meg had decided to come running with me. So off we went to the park for a run. I got to the magic "you are half way" point and was feeling good. This time I was actually going to get fit. I was even considering entering the Leicester Race for Life with The Red Tent team. And then the shooting pain started in my hip. I limped home with Meg feeling decidedly cheesed off.

Ok, it's true I'd forgotten to put my SI support belt on, which was probably foolish. So while I lay on my front on the floor to realign everything I Googled "pelvic dysfunction aerobic exercise", and up came a whole host of sites offering wisdom of one sort or another. Basically no impact exercise is compatible with a wobbly pelvis. Walking is ok, swimming is ok and something called an "elliptical" might be ok too. And Nothing Else. Great!

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